Getting what you want out of life

When I decided to start Kalax Creations, many people thought I was nuts!! Why leave my professional career as an attorney to start a craft business? (By the way, at the time my husband and I were running our own law firm.) I had two kids and wanted to be home with them. (I also had a chronic, debilitating illness...more on that later). How could I manage a craft business? I couldn't even draw!!

Live Your Dream author Joyce Chapman suggests listing 20 habits or beliefs which are obstacles to achieving your dream. Believing you're not smart enough or qualified enough are examples of dream-killing beliefs. Procrastination and over-committing are dream-defeating habits. Next to each item on your list, write a new habit or belief to replace the old one.

For me, the naysayers provided a dream-limiting belief. Instead of believing in myself, I started to hide my "side job" and only discuss my prominent attorney title. As I did that, my business lost momenteum and nearly came to a halt. My kids stayed excited about Kalax Creations and inspired me to believe that running my business while staying home with my kids was a worthy way to live.

What obstacles stand in the way of your dreams and desires? Please comment.


Cheryl said…
Jill-this is a great site! I look forward to viewing it in the future and reading all the positive thoughts/suggestions other Mom's have. I am currently (well actually have had this thought in the back of my mind for 10+years now) thinking about becoming a certified aerobics instructor for Jazzercise. There's alot of training and studying that go along with this and I've been thinking more and more about this for approximately 3 months now-my obstacles are 1)do I really have the time for all this training/studying? 2)will I start this project then quit half way there (like I tend to do with long term commitments)? Will my family be able to handle all this extra time I will be spending away from home? So there are alot of concerns-but I feel more and more everyday I need to do this to prove to myself I can do it-FOR ME!
Cheryl A.
Jillian said…
Hi Cheryl,

I say...GO FOR IT!! Let me say that doing something for you makes you a better mom because you feel refreshed and validated. Unfortunately in our society, stay-at-hom moms are viewed as no-job-at-home-moms!!! I know our kids need us. Just today, Kaitlyn cried because I missed a parade at school. My excuse..I was in the ER for dehydration!! She was still upset! My kids are so used to me being there for every passing moment that there is often no time for me. I am trying to change all of that.

Your kids are a little older now and in school full time, so you could break the training into small pieces and incorporate it into your day.

Also, when I accomplish something that has nothing to do with being a mom, I feel victorious! I am more enthusiastic and energetic with my kids.
I try to include my kids whenever possible such as to unload boxes and put my label on products. Through Kalax Creations, Alex learned so much about running a retail business that he knew all of the terms learned when training for the school store. The teacher stopped the lecture and asked
Alex to take over and explain "inventory" to the class!! I was so proud.

You can teach your girls some of the Jazzercise moves and ask them to help you design a business card. (My kids hand-designed my logo) I can help with business suggestions as you go along too.

You will not quit in the middle if it is manageable! Start small, by going to a training class and remember, we need Jazzercise instructors. Count me in as a member in your new class. I can't wait!

Lenora Boyle said…
I've been helping other people and myself dissolve limiting beliefs for over 17 years now in my coaching practice in person and on the phone. And I'm convinced that we don't succeed because we just don't believe we can. We fear failure even before we start. What would you tell your kids if they had an inclination or desire? I started my coaching practice when both my kids were 2 and 5 years old. Instead of housework I started studying when they napped. I found sitters that they loved playing with so I could study more often.
Good luck!
Jillian said…
It's so true! If you believe in yourself, you can do anything. I stopped believing in myself for a while and do you know what happened? Nothing!! The more I did nothing, the worse I felt about myself. When I say "nothing," I was still raising 3 kids, running a household and managing a husband. However, I lost myself in the process. I stopped actively marketing Kalax Creations and sales fell. I started to feel like I could never go back to work as an attorney because I had been at home too long. Then I even started to question my ability as a mother. The more I didn't believe in myself, the worse I felt. I started to experience anxiety about my life.

Finally, my best friend from college set me straight. Through many conversations, she reminded me of who I was before I got lost. She not only told me that I could do whatever I wanted to do, but helped me formulate an "action plan" to achieve my goals one baby step at a time. After about 2 months of chatting with her, I believed in myself enough to begin marketing Kalax Creations again. In addition, I got a legal resume together and applied for a job as a college professor. I had regained a lot of confidence and walked into the interview knowing I was the right person for the job. Never mind that I never taught before. I just knew it was a perfect fit for me and I could do it! I was excited to teach others what I knew about the law. I was hired on the spot!! My belief in myself was so strong that others believed in me too! Even though I am much busier now than when I was doing nothing, I am getting so much more done! I am happier and more efficient. No more wallowing for me. I need to get on with life! You can do it too.
Keep Believing,
Anonymous said…
Jello, As you know we met in the summer before 6th grade (1979). From our first meeting I knew you were and are a cery special person. For approx. the past 30 years I have watched you change and grow into this amazing woman, mother, best friend, daughter, sister and wife. You have taken on such amazing challenges of life with great strength and positive attitude. You are a HERO to me and I am so proud of you as you are an amazing human being. You are a continued positive inspiration to me and everyone who is priviliged enough to get to know you. I am so greatful that you and I have been best friends since 1979 and look forward to the next 30+ years of happiness and inspiration with you even though we are states away. Keep going as you always have in an upward and onward manner. Love you like a sister. Diane OXOX
Anonymous said…
Kudos to you for following your heart and finding your path. I am sure that only the greatest things will come from your courage and determination to get what you want from life.
Anonymous said…
don't ever let anyone tell you, you can't!
Anonymous said…
wow mom You encourge me a lot!

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