Moving Mess

We have just moved our home to Williston, VT. It was a local move from Burlington, so we thought we'd save money and "do it ourselves!" Well, with 3 kids, a husband and a ton of junk we no longer need, and probably never did in the first place, we loaded up the moving truck donated by our realtor and drove the 20 minutes to our new home. The place was gorgeous, uncluttered and completely free of junk! But it echoed because it was so empty. It needed to become a home...complete with all of our stuff!

Well, it turns out that we have accumulated a lot more stuff than one may think possible. I started throwing out, donating and selling on Craig's List. By the way, Craig's List is the easiest, fastest way to earn money for items you no longer have a use for. There are no fees involved and you should always deal with local customers and in person transactions to avoid scams. Even after months of that effort, we still had boxes and boxes of stuff. We even had to rent a storage unit to store all of the stuff.

When we finally became owners of our new home, the first thing my husband did was plunk box after box in the middle of the hallway! YIKES! I scurried about trying to organize the avalanche of boxes pouring through the door. However, we had too much stuff! The kids followed suit by dumping the entire contents of their boxes onto their bedroom floors!! Hand Painted ceramic piggy banks lay under a pile of books...somehow unscathed! A lone sock was mixed up with school supplies. Sheet sets were incomplete, outfits mismatched, shoes lost forever!

I took a long, deep sigh and began the task of creating order out of chaos. I grabbed buckets, boxes, bins and totes to sort clothing, coloring materials, breakables, jewelry and books. I hung most of the clothing in the closet and folded the rest for drawers. I put jewelry in jewelry boxes high on dressers. Breakables were also stored in view, but out of reach. Finally, books were shelved except for those currently being read. Those were kept in a Hand Painted Tote Bag by each child's bed for easy access to favorite books. Coloring materials were stored in each child's Hand Painted Lap Desk. The lap desks were stored under the bed or in the closet to be used for study or coloring time.

Please let me know of any suggestions you have to sort out or locate items after a move!



Anonymous said…
wow I really think your products will help people move and travel! I think I will try it too!
Anonymous said…
Wow mom good site and yes moving is hard! kaitlyn
Anonymous said…
do you have all of the boxes in your house?

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