Getting it all Done

Ahhhh, the holidays. Music and singing and cookies and treats. But wait...not for you! You're the mom/chauffer/maid/cook/shopper/wrapper/entertainer How can any one person be expected to get all of this done in a mere 25 days? We've come to expect this of ourselves and feel guilty if it's not all done perfectly. December is the most stressful of all months for us caretakers.

This holiday season, I've made a promise to myself to cut the load in half. Who cares if you miss an event? What are the consequences for not having a clutter-free home? How about if you don't host the annual party this year?

I've spent too many holiday seasons feeling ill and exhausted from all of the holiday chores. Blissful had been replaced with crabby! This year, I'm concerning myself with my peace of mind and ability to enjoy the company of my family and friends. None of the other stuff really matters. They're just extraneous activities meant to make your holiday season more enjoyable. How to decide whether to attend an event? If you're slogging through the event, it's not enjoyable. It's that simple! If the event doesn't bring you joy, skip it.

Now, I've got to order my holiday cards!!


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